PhytoChi spray
PhytoChi spray will relieve you from pain or discomfort in the mouth and throat, but also…
We’re used to viewing illness from the position of standard Western medicine. When we get some health issue, we take medicine for it.
If the issue persists nevertheless or comes back at shorter or longer intervals, this means the medicine is not solving the cause of our health issue, but is rather suppressing its symptoms. If you imagine the word TREATMENT to mean merely visiting your specialist and taking prescribed medicines, then you are wrong. If the cause of the illness is not specified and it is not then eliminated, then the treatment has no effect; in fact it can instead induce many complications in the long run.
Do no damage, do no harm – holistic medicine uses techniques and products which are safe and efficient.
The healing power of nature – The human body has one incredible ability, and that is the ability to heal itself. All you need to do is support this ability using natural and non-toxic therapies and products.
Ascertain and treat the cause of disease, not just its symptoms – Doctors of holistic medicine seek out and treat the cause of disease, and support the body’s self-healing ability.
Treat the whole person – everything is interdependent; an individual should be perceived as a whole.
Prevention is always better than treatment – all doctors can confirm that it is better to avoid disease rather than treat it afterwards, something which is often complex and long-term.
In what way are PhytoChi and PhytoChík based on the principles of holistic effects?
PhytoChi (translated as “energy from herbs”) and PhytoChík are highly concentrated blends of 16 herbs in fruit juice with high biological potency. Both products contain 8 key Traditional Chinese Medicine herbs. The herbs are selected so the products have positive effects and provide energy to all organs in the body. PhytoChi and PhytoChík also fulfil the following important roles within the organism: detoxification, anti-inflammation, regulation and self-healing. They are purely natural products which act non-invasively and with long-term use support self-healing processes within the body, give the body energy and direct it towards preserving a healthy balance of Yin and Yang – everything is interdependent.
Because our herbs are picked at traditional sites and thanks to traditional herbal extraction, both these products are based on millennia of human wisdom. Dr Albert Y Leung and Phyto CZ have created the PhytoChi and PhytoChík natural products on the basis of holistic medicine principles in line with Traditional Chinese Medicine.