Dr. Leung’s advice on choosing dietary supplements

When selecting a dietary supplement, we recommend that you do the following:
1. Find out who is behind the product, that is who produces it and, in particular, who has developed its formula. The preparation’s author and producer can have full control over the quality of production.
2. Ask the seller how the manufacturer guarantees that the right herbs are used. If the manufacturer refers to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), ask how he identifies and checks the authenticity and quality of the input herbs used according to TCM principles.
3. It is important to know whether any physicians have experience with the dietary supplement.
4. It is important to know how much experience people have with using the supplement.
5. Ask whether the manufacturer had clinical trials performed for their dietary supplement, proving its effects on humans.
6. Request documents showing research and development conducted by the producer of your dietary supplement (a registered patent for the production technology, a defended public grant for quality standards). In this way you can make sure that the producer’s claims about the supplement’s effects, safety and quality are substantiated!
7. To guarantee the effects and safety of dietary supplements, the producer should be able to ensure consistent quality and identical ingredients in bottles manufactured at various times (this is also a prerequisite for conducting clinical trials).
It is no art to mix up a blend of “some” herbs. But it is a great art to choose the right ingredients in the right proportions, which can only be achieved by someone who has been active in this field for several decades. A founder of the herbal blending discipline, Albert Y. Leung Ph.D. is an internationally acclaimed expert in herbs and their processing. In the field of research and development of Chinese herb standards, he is the author of the Phyto True™ technology, the patent for which is pending. Therefore his recommendations given above can certainly help you choose the right herbal dietary supplements.